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Description: This directory contains code implementing the K-means algorithm. Source codemay be found in KMEANS.CPP. Sample data isfound in KM2.DAT. The KMEANSprogram accepts input consisting of vectors and calculates the givennumber of cluster centers using the K-means algorithm. Output isdirected to the screen.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 刘思 | Hits:

[Bio-Recognizegood K-means clusters

Description: 这次上传的代码是关于K-means clusters的代码,希望能对大家有用。-The uploaded code is about K-means clusters.I hope it can be a help to everyone.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 李乐 | Hits:


Description: Matlab环境下的k-means聚类算法,实现图像分割,很快阿!-K-means Clustering arithmetic based on Matlab platform.It s fast for Image-Division!
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 刘明霞 | Hits:


Description: 这个是K-Means动态聚类算法的源程序,需要的请下,请多多指教,谢谢!-This is a K- Means clustering algorithm source, the need to please, please exhibitions, thank you!
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: HaicoLi | Hits:


Description: 编写K-均值聚类算法程序,对下图所示数据进行聚类分析(选k=2)-prepare K-means clustering algorithm, the data shown in the chart below cluster analysis (EAC k = 2)
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: | Hits:


Description: MATLAB编写的一种模式识别里的重要的模糊聚类方法K-means算法的matlab程序.-MATLAB prepare a Pattern Recognition's important Fuzzy clustering methods K-means algorithm Matlab procedures.
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: zs | Hits:


Description: 这个是采用欧氏距离下的K-means算法的matlab实现-this is the Euclidean distance between the K-means algorithm to achieve the Matlab
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 李序 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsMATLABfuzzy-K-means

Description: MATLAB 数据挖掘算法,fuzzy-K-means聚类算法源代码,用于模糊聚类分析-MATLAB data mining algorithms, fuzzy-K-means clustering algorithm source code, Fuzzy clustering analysis for the
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: puxx | Hits:


Description: 2个举类的简单k-means算法,非常简单,新手给大家提供参考了-two categories give a simple k-means algorithm is very simple, and newcomers to provide a reference to the
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 姜珏 | Hits:


Description: 关于k-means聚类算法的MATLAB实现-On the k-means clustering algorithm of MATLAB realize
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: chen | Hits:


Description: 基于MATLAB的k-means算法 较好的解决了图像分类聚类的问题-MATLAB based on the k-means algorithm better solved the problem of image classification clustering
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘小强 | Hits:


Description: 空间数据分析中最常用的是聚类分析,而K-MEANS算法是聚类分析中常用的,其主要思想是在给定的聚类数目下对多维(我做的是三维空间点)向量进行聚类,-Spatial data analysis is the most commonly used cluster analysis, while the K-MEANS algorithm is commonly used in cluster analysis, the main idea is to set the number of under the multi-dimensional clustering (I make the three-dimensional space-point) vector cluster,
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: tangkezong | Hits:


Description: 简单实用的k均值聚类算法,可以实现多位向量的简单聚类-Simple and practical k-means clustering algorithm, can achieve more than a simple vector clustering
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: chunxiao | Hits:

[Special EffectsK

Description: K-均值聚类算法,对数据进行聚类分析,可用于提取关键帧等。用matlab实现-K-means clustering algorithm, cluster analysis of data that can be used, such as key frame extraction. Using matlab to achieve
Platform: | Size: 122880 | Author: zhengmin | Hits:


Description: 较简单的KMeans聚类算法实现,编程语言matlab-Clustering KMeans relatively simple algorithm, programming language matlab
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: tzx | Hits:


Description: 基于K-MEANS的图像退色算法。平台为MATLAB6.5及以上。-Based on the K-MEANS algorithm image fade
Platform: | Size: 191488 | Author: 臧超 | Hits:


Description: 用matlab7.0编写的k均值算法,参数可调节,很好用-K-MEANS MATLAB
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: ghw | Hits:

[Special EffectsK-Means PCA降维

Description: K-Means算法,不要求建立模型之后对结果进行新的预测,没有相应的标签,只是根据数据的特征对数据进行聚类。主成分分析降维对数据进行可视化操作,对features进行降维.(K-Means algorithm does not require the establishment of the model after the new prediction of the results, there is no corresponding tag, but only on the characteristics of data clustering data. The principal component analysis reduces the dimension, carries on the visualization operation to the data, reduces the dimension to the features.)
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 赵嘉慧 | Hits:


Description: K-means算法MATLAB仿真,利用一副图像作为数据实现K聚类算法仿真(K-means algorithm, MATLAB simulation)
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: casc_zxy | Hits:

[simulation modelingk-means-matlab

Description: 利用k-means算法实现二维平面点的聚类,包括了运行源代码和结果图(The k-means algorithm is used to realize the clustering of two-dimensional plane points, including the running source code and the result graph)
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: huan222 | Hits:
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